Maine Grouse Hunting

Maine Grouse and Woodcock

October brings the start of grouse and woodcock hunting in Maine. We specialize in wild ruffed grouse and the migratory woodcock. Our wild birds will challenge the best shooters. We focus on the quality of the hunt, fair chase and good dog work.


Chandler Lake Camps sits in the heart of more than 4 million acres of forestland, with hundreds of miles of gravel roads, alder runs and bird hunting 2014 005hardwood ridges allowing access to some of the best Maine upland hunting in the East. Opportunities abound for hunting over dogs and coverts are suitable for both pointing and flushing breeds. Spend a day or a week chasing the king of all game birds.

Combine a day of grouse and woodcock hunting, good dogs and the glory of a crisp fall day, an experience of a lifetime.

For guided trip information check out our Registered Maine Guides